Agnieszka Laskus
Energy Healing
In my sessions I channel energy through intention, prayer, thought or gentle laying-on of hands. I connect to the energy of Source, the Universe or God of your understanding which makes the healing possible. To channel the energy I connect to earth, heart and divine light. Possible benefits of energy healing can manifest as improved physical, emotional, mental and spiritual sense of well-being. I offer both contact and distant healing.
Energy healing works with your whole being and is a multidimensional in nature. You will set your intention but we will also focus on anything else that presents itself for healing for your highest good. Any given session may include grounding, chakra balancing, subtle bodies and aura clearing, cord cutting, soul retrieval, spirit release, inner child healing, ancestral work and clearing of any imbalances, blockages and negative thought forms. We might work in silence or in an interactive way where I guide you through asking questions.
Healing Energy that I bring through is grounded, heart centred and of high vibration.
I work to a strict code of Conduct and all appointments are confidential.
60 min intuitive energy healing in person - £95
60 min intuitive energy healing online - £85
60 medicinal mushrooms assisted healing - £120
60 water activation - £120
30min intuitive energy healing - £65
30 min animal healing - £65
Space clearing - £350
Group Meditation and Healing - £22
Before Your Healing
Please read the following information before attending the healing.